Like the Whispering Wind
Rumors. A few things I've been asked and that I've come across on the world wide webs. Easter eggs, glitches, and rumors are a vital part of the lore that accompanies a successful game. If you have heard of anymore, please contact me, so that they can be added. Thanks!
Rumor One
The Zack Glitch. Ah, God Bless the FFVII addict who eats, sleeps, and breathes this game, because these are the people who find the glitches. I'm assuming everyone knows of the 'Aeris' Ghost' glitch. But were you aware of the Zack glitch? I haven't tested this myself, but an epal of mine swears by it.
How's it work? Beat both Ruby and Emerald Weapon. Upon beating each weapon you recieve an item, in this case the Desert Rose from Ruby Weapon and the Earth Harp from Emerald Weapon. DO NOT trade these items with the old man in Kalm. Instead, go to the Reactor in Gongaga and use the Earth Harp. An FMV will show the reactor being fully restored. Be sure Tifa & Aeris are in your party. Now, go to Zack's parent's house and tada! Zack will be there! He is level 92 and has the same limit level as Cloud. He also has his Buster Sword.
Rumor Two
The Man in the Slum. Zack didn't die! He was a Soldier: Class 1st they just don't go down easy. Plus guide books say he was 'left for dead'. There just isn't any proof that he is dead!
How's it work? Those who believe Zack didn't die say that the man living in the pipe in the slums with the crazy pimp outfit on is actually Zack. I love Zack as much as you all do, but remember that guy in the pipe was ranting about the 'reunion', Zack wasn't affected by Jenova like that. Second, Zack is in the Lifestream with Aeris. Not an eye-opening dip in the Lifestream like Cloud, but dead dead in the Lifestream. Yup, in Crisis Core, he is clearly "Beam me up, Lifestream!" dead *sob*. Finally, geez, why would a Zack fan believe Zack could have such poor fashion sense. Le bleh.